Vote-escrowed OST (veOST) represents a user’s voting power for BNB delegations through OneStop Liquid Staking. It is acquired by staking OST tokens on OneStop Liquid Staking. With veOST, users gain the ability to vote for specific Binance Smart Chain (BSC) validators, guiding additional delegations to them. The voting power determined by veOST influences the allocation of staked BNB delegations from OneStop Liquid Staking to the chosen validators.

  • Note: The delegation amount to each validator is determined by their total veOST vote count.

Why veOST?

Before veOST, liquid staking delegations were distributed equally and randomly among validators meeting specific criteria. This approach enabled validators to maximize their node utilization and benefit from additional delegation rewards. The introduction of veOST further aligns BSC validators with OneStop. By locking up OST to accumulate veOST, users can now direct staked BNB delegations from OneStop to their preferred validators by voting within the app.

veOST Mechanism

  • Staking: Users start with a veOST balance of zero. Staking OST gradually increases veOST over time, up to 100 times the staked OST (e.g., 1 OST = 100 veOST). The accrual rate is 0.000003888888888888 veOST per staked OST per second.

  • Unstaking: Unstaking any amount of OST resets the user's veOST balance.

  • Claiming: There's no need to actively claim veOST after staking OST; it accrues automatically over time.

  • Voting: Within OneStop Liquid Staking, users find the “Vote” tab to cast votes for BSC Validators using their veOST. Each user has 100% voting power, which can be distributed among single or multiple NodeIDs. The amount of BNB delegations is based on the aggregate veOST vote count for each validator.

  • Delegations: To understand how OneStop Liquid Staking delegates staked BNB to validators, users should refer to the Delegation Strategy section.

Last updated